01 - Thoradorn/"we regret."

I was stuck in a timeloop visiting my old highschool that had became attached to some other location (a park that, for some reason had proportionally small byson in it). It started in a classroom, I walked around for a bit, when I went back the other students noticed it got worse. Teacher's face was crudely photoshopped of difference parts spliced together.

He addressed me with full confidence as "Thoradorn" and told me to sit down. His speech was all sorts of warbled and glitchy as he spoke, meanwhile me and the other students discussed what was happening, since they shared similar confusion.

I corrected him on my name, to which he wondered how he even got that. I told him he's referred to me as that name before, along with "Thoradin11". He addresses me by my actual name, and follows it up with a dejected tone, telling me plainly that "we regret". The room was completely silent afterwards, and i woke up before any further elaboration could be done.

...I also apparently played Red Dead 2 at the start. and the intro screen looked terrible. Like a WIP unity game.

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