STELLARBAT ARCADE is the personal homepage of MONO, and is a space for me to post and decorate as I please!

Heavily inspired by arcades, old graphics and grungy textures, this page will serve as somewhere i can freely post art, animation and blogs to without the pressure of an audience. About time, too!


A variety of reasons!

As someone who likes to do a little bit of creative stuff, a personal site was just about inevitable. Carrd was too minimalist, strawpage is too limited - no better option than to go above and beyond and pick up a bit of HTML/CSS knowledge, no?

It's my firm belief that no matter what form of art you create as a hobbyist, be it illustration, animation, music, interactive, that it should be treated equally to every other form of art. No form of personal self expression should be fandomized or made a public spectacle to tear apart. Being in this spot over and over again i've grown disdainful to platforms that prioritize follower count in any form as, whether intentional or not, it dehumanizes artists and seperates them from their peers. It's what drove me away from creating publically in the first place.

Neocities feels like a much more even playing field, to me anyway. I hope to feel more interacted with than i do feel watched.

Additionally, i'd like a space to blabber on about my Apothisexuality. It's frustrating trying to exist in social spaces that often repulse me, and i think people such as myself deserve a bit more representation at the least!

Do you actually know anything about coding?

No! I don't, as a matter of fact! This whole site was built off of templates i had mangled via CSS. I'm no expert - my previous experience with html was a few IT classes in highschool.

I'm no expert, nothing about this screams professional (note the cool burger). Unfortunately a lot of video tutorials on the subject are pretty boring, but i can at least provide some resources and send you on your merry way!